Friday, February 25, 2011

Gluten Free Wit! Yes Ashley

GF Wort just brewin' away!
A quick story about how this all started...  Lying awake in bed one night I remarked, "What if we could create the best tasting Gluten Free beer on the planet?  We would be billionaires right?"  Well the answer to that is of course yes.  I used this platform as my first set of reasoning as to why I needed a home brew set-up.  Although my motives my have been slightly treacherous, I was able to get the home brew equipment.  After brewing two batches of regular beer, guilt overtook my soul.  I had to hold true to my promise to Ashley, and begin the quest for the world's best GF beer.  Well folks here is step one...
Looks like she might have been sampling the brew:)
Courtesy of Lcasanova, we have our first batch of GF Wit beer.  Wit beer (or white beer) is a top fermented beer with it's origins in Belgium.  Instead of using hops for flavoring, wit beer utilizes spices, fruits, and other plants (we used sweet/bitter orange peels and coriander for ours).  This beer has a hazy or cloudy look to it when cold, creating a white effect.  Instead of using wheat, this GF version was brewed using Sorghum malt extract.  Should be ready in about another week or two.  Cheers to you Ashley!
Measuring orange peels with a snap bracelet booby-trapped to my head!


  1. Hey Ry---way to go!! True love is when you want to make gluten-free things (beer) for your wife!!! :-)

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