Friday, February 25, 2011

Gluten Free Wit! Yes Ashley

GF Wort just brewin' away!
A quick story about how this all started...  Lying awake in bed one night I remarked, "What if we could create the best tasting Gluten Free beer on the planet?  We would be billionaires right?"  Well the answer to that is of course yes.  I used this platform as my first set of reasoning as to why I needed a home brew set-up.  Although my motives my have been slightly treacherous, I was able to get the home brew equipment.  After brewing two batches of regular beer, guilt overtook my soul.  I had to hold true to my promise to Ashley, and begin the quest for the world's best GF beer.  Well folks here is step one...
Looks like she might have been sampling the brew:)
Courtesy of Lcasanova, we have our first batch of GF Wit beer.  Wit beer (or white beer) is a top fermented beer with it's origins in Belgium.  Instead of using hops for flavoring, wit beer utilizes spices, fruits, and other plants (we used sweet/bitter orange peels and coriander for ours).  This beer has a hazy or cloudy look to it when cold, creating a white effect.  Instead of using wheat, this GF version was brewed using Sorghum malt extract.  Should be ready in about another week or two.  Cheers to you Ashley!
Measuring orange peels with a snap bracelet booby-trapped to my head!

Welcome to Portland Gerald!

Blazer Mania is in full effect today as Portland has just completed a deal for Gerald Wallace.  This dude is  a savage and I can't wait to see him in a Blazer Jersey.  Check out his resume here or here (Sorry Greg).  Once again it's a great day to be a Blazer!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fear the Beard!!!

It is with extreme pleasure that I present to you the second beer brewed here at the factory.  Fear the Beard Blood Orange Hefeweizen, brewed in honor of the 2011 World Series Champion San Francisco Giants.
Still gives me chills!
While originally brewed as a token to give to family members relishing in their first ever Giants World Series title, this beer has been met with a slight bit of celebrity.  And why wouldn't it?  All you need to do is see the man that this beer is named after. Try this one too!  You get the picture...Pure Awesomeness!  After causing mass hysteria and a minor earthquake (2.8 richter scale) in the Bay Area, this beer found a home in my fridge, and my sister's blog (The Bright Life).  Giants fans, leave a comment if you find yourself trapped in the hysteria, or possibly buried under the rubble created by The Beard!

Stay tuned for our latest collaboration with the world's greatest pitching staff: F*** Yeah Barley Wine!

We Are Live!

Welcome everyone to the Nemesis of Reason.  You may be wondering, what does this all mean?  Don't be afraid, it's just a playing card from possibly the dumbest game ever invented.  However, I cannot think of a more perfect descriptor to our day to day life here in the beautiful city of Portland.  Whether it is weirdos on the MAX (Don't pull that latch, Yes Ricky!), or irrelevant television networks creating documentaries on our citizens, one thing is true, we live in a Nemesis of Reason.
Now that we have cleared that up, lets get to the reason for the blog.  My beloved wife cares for me so much she bought me a home brewing set-up for Christmas.  No greater Christmas gift has ever been given.  She created a monster, and now my days are filled with thoughts of new recipes, beers I want to try, and inspirations for special brews nobody has ever heard of.  With the help of my brew partner Darrick(aka Ricky), we have tasted some early success in our endeavors, and would like to share them with the world.
Our hope for this blog is to provide to you a first hand look at our journey as fledgling brewers, as well as create a space for us to share all things we deem to be awesome.  And yes, occasionally we will provide you with a glimpse into a real-life Nemesis of Reason.  Prost! and Enjoy!