Friday, May 27, 2011

The Bright Life (Guest Post): Good Luck Katie!

They say that everything is bigger in Texas.  And you know what, they are right!  Texas is a big ass state.  I mean seriously it's like the giant lady wheeling around the grocery store in the complimentary go-kart.  Did Texas just eat a couple surrounding states and call it good or what?  Anyways, my rant on the enormity of this state is due to the fact that it holds a special spot in my heart now (Yes, I love you go-kart lady at the grocery store).

My sister Katie and her husband Landon have recently moved to Abilene, Texas with an opportunity to pursue their dreams, and I could not be any happier for them.  Not only do I have a reason to travel for a visit, but we all get to watch these two fulfill some of their true passions, all while getting Landon's grad school paid for!  However, it would be unwise and down right rude of me to not impart some wisdom and advice to these two as they set out on their journey.

Perhaps the most important thing I could say is that you should never forget where your from.  Use your roots to empower you and help you succeed in whatever you are currently doing.  With this thought in mind, the following is a list of things to remember, embrace, and ponder upon while you are living your big Texan dream.  Enjoy Ya'll!

1. First and foremost, you are strictly forbidden from switching your loyalties to any Texas sports teams. You shall forever be bound to the Giants, Ducks, Blazers, Timbers, and 49ers.  To follow anyone else is a cardinal sin that shall be punished with either the gouging of eyes or loss of inheritance.

2. At least once a week look for one of these stickers at the grocery store, and purchase whatever it is attached to.

3. Even though neither of you are big partakers in adult beverages, you should always have a six-pack of  Oregon craft-brew in the fridge.  Some suggestions; Widmer, Ninkasi, Deschutes, Oakshire, Full-Sail.

4. Fried foods are delicious and tasty, but should only be consumed once or twice a week.  If you find yourself in the deep-fryer for 2+ meals in one day, you are being too Texan, and you have a problem.  Please remember that all things in moderation.

5. Make sure that any music you listen to consists of band members who possess all their teeth.  They also must wear beanies 12 months of the year, and have a minimum of two tattoos.  Be wary of too much banjo, steel drum, harmonica, or washboard usage.

6. Remind yourself that you know how to drive in the rain.

7. While we always support regular church attendance, if your local service lasts longer than the standard 1 1/2-2 hours then you are too Texan.  In conjunction with this thought, you are also forbidden from letting your pastor make your voting decisions:)  Can I get an Amen?!?

8. Attendance is required and mandatory at all future Turkey Bowl games.  Your team needs you, and we have a reputation to uphold.  Plus we love watching Katie get bowled over by our uncles.

9. Landon, never trade in your cute little running shorts for Wranglers and a cowboy hat.  No matter what anyone tells you, you cannot run with your chaps on.

10. If we ever find a picture of you two doing the "Hook-em' Horns!" pose, you will be executed.

11.  Find yourself a coffee shop whose primary colors are not green and white.  Something nice and quiet that serves delicious pastries and puts weird designs on the top of their drinks.

12. No matter the cost, you must always buy a christmas tree during the holiday season.  Oh yeah, it also must be a Noble, and it must come from a man named Walter (pronounced Valter).  You may end up driving a long way to make this happen.

13. For Landon, Remember that you are in charge of taking care of the little Mongrel while you guys are away.  We thank you ahead of time for handling her annoying hunger pains, awkward attachment to sentimental objects, crying over not-that-important moments, and inability to wake up in the morning.  Even through all of these flaws, she is an amazing woman who loves you and loves Jesus.  What more could a man ask for.  We know that you agree with all of these things, and there could not be a better man for the job.

14. For Kathy, Make sure you and Landon carry on the tradition of dolphins & whales.  I think that playing this game on a bi-weekly basis should be suffice.  In all seriousness though, my hope for you is that you continue to be a crafty, adventurous, and beautiful wife to Landon.  You too are lucky to have a man who loves the Lord and you so well.  Find a job or something fun to do down there in the heart of Texas, and then excel at it.  Try not to be stressed about anything for too long, and if you are, just eat a bowl of Cranberry Almond Crunch.  I love you and hope that this chapter of life is a highlight in your life.

15. For both of you, We all love you and miss you.  However, we couldn't be more excited for the two of you and what the future holds.  We look forward to visiting you, and hearing stories about your experiences (Seriously, your going to meet some jacked-up Texans!).  Continue to follow Christ, and keep him at the center of your marriage.  If you guys do this, then you cannot fail.  Also find something uniquely Texan that you guys can do together.  I'm not sure what that means but find a hobby or become connoisseurs of sweet tea drinking, something Texan you know.  Finally, just remember again that you are loved and supported by your entire family, all your friends, coach Arvin, the beard, Buster, Bruce, Zeb (in heaven rip), and anyone in the world named Chris.  Good luck! and Merry Chris!


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Right Back Up In Ya! The return of Fear The Beard!

What good is a brewing blog if you never brew?  I feel the same way.  Well ladies and gentlemen I am pleased to announce that this is no longer the case.  I have returned to both the world of amateur brew science, and my signature payment of homage to the greatest closer of all time (who by the way just closed out his second game in two nights).
Fear The Beard Ingredients!
Now back to the beer.  Feeling slightly jilted after the last beer disaster, and strapped for cash-flow, my brewing life has been on hold.  After many sleepless nights, and some careful financial planning, I have returned to the creation of magical alcoholic elixirs.  

This beer has been brewed before, and with successful results (at least that is what I have been told), but I wanted more.  The first recipe used a German yeast, which made a German-style hefeweizen.  While German hefe tastes great, it usually has a strong banana and clove flavor to it.  With this incarnation I wanted to create something closer to a Widmer Hefeweizen.  In order to achieve this, I am using an American-Hefeweizen yeast strain, as well as a few other tweaks (such as adding flour to create a cloudier beer).  Saaz, Liberty, and a few Sterling hops were utilized to round out the beer, and terrano blood oranges provided the citrusy goodness.
Pre-Boil Tea!
Finished Product!
In all, the brew session was successful, and I am excited to try the new variation in a few weeks.  Hopefully my next brewing update will be much sooner than my last.  Cheers to you B Willy!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Ah what a weekend...  My wonderful wife and I decided to take a little overnight trip to the People's Socialist Republic of Eugene, and what a trip it was.  I have spent years trying to convince Ashley that Eugene is a great place to visit and maybe even live...I have stopped trying.
Read the fine print on the sign...Then look at the paper bag.  Common Eugene occurrence.
Eugene is in fact the weirdest place on Earth.  A city whose per capita population of sorcerers, hippies, elves, environmentalists, stoners, super stoners, and nudists is higher than anywhere else on the planet.  That being said, I still love Eugene.  Aside from being the home of my favorite team, Eugene provides me with constant entertainment.  I love being around weirdos, and I love to interact with them even more.  Hence, I never have a dull time being in this little town.

Now, to the real reason for our excursion.  My dearest friend Gregory was playing his first show with a full band.  August Light, which consists of Greg, his buddy Nate, and a couple other guys I have never met, performed the midnight show at the Oak Street Speakeasy.  While it was late, they rocked the house.  Playing what I would call a mix of Pop, John Mayer, Jazz, and Hip Hop, August Light did not disappoint me or the rest of their fans.  Check them out on Facebook here, and when they make it big I will take the credit for being there in the beginning.

Back to Eugene.  I thank you for my time spent in your embrace.  I probably will not see you again until the fall, and that is ok.  Your weirdness and peculiar aura has seeped into my soul, and I think I have enough to last me through the summer.

Friday, April 1, 2011

fARTsy Friday: Jonathan Mannion

Today I'm sharing another dope photographer, whose definitely got an impressive resume, with you guys.  Jonathan Mannion is one of the most influential hop-hop photographers of all time.  Aside from doing all of Jay-Z's album covers, he has photographed countless other rappers, artists, and dope boys.  Check out the link here for a promo of his upcoming features, and then take a look at some of my favorites by Mr. Mannion.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

'Stache Swag

Just had to share it with the world.
It only lasted one day...but what a glorious day!

In honor of opening day on Thursday, here are a few glorious 'staches finding their homes on some lucky San Francisco Giants.

Nice try Timmy.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Finished...The Wire

I have never had any desire to see Baltimore.  Besides a stingy defense, good crabs, and the birthplace of a guy named Carmelo, I never thought much of the city to be honest.  Now I dream of cruising through the Eastside streets, touring city hall, and throwing provocative objects into the bay.  In short, Baltimore is now in my top 5 "must visit" vacation destinations.

This is all due to a quaint little show called The Wire.  Ashley and I spent the better part of a year watching all five seasons, and a few days ago, we finished...

I felt that I must create a post in honor of a show that spent many hours entertaining our little family.  Being someone who is not much for crime dramas, I was initially hesitant about this series.  However it only took a few episodes, and I was hooked.  The writers did an excellent job of looking into relevant social issues that take place within the inner city, all while using the back drop of the relationship and struggle between the police and those involved in the drug trade.  Writer and creator David Simon stated the show is "really about the American city, and about how we live together. It's about how institutions have an effect on individuals. Whether one is a cop, a longshoreman, a drug dealer, a politician, a judge or a lawyer, all are ultimately compromised and must contend with whatever institution they are committed to."

Season 1: The Drug Trade
Season 2: International Shipping/Trafficking
Season 3: City Government and Corruption
Season 4: The School System
Season 5: Print News Media

What makes this show go for me though is the characters.  The development of these characters, most of which last the entire five seasons, is remarkable.  I didn't think I could root for a gay stick-up artist, an unfaithful politician, drug lord, or countless murderers...but I did.  To conclude the post, I will feature our favorite characters from The Wire.  Enjoy! P.S. The clips are not real kid friendly.
stick-up kid, robin hood, best character ever created.
Avon Barksdale & Stringer Bell
the original kingpins.
Prop Joe...Good Package
deal maker, hustler, co-op
Bubbles aka Bubs...Whitey Sale
heroin addict, informant
Bunk and Jimmy...Jiiimmmmyyyy!
murder po-lice
Lester Freamon...The Wire
model furniture maker, runs the wire

Michael...Young Life Kid
ashley loves him, misled youth
I could go on and on, but these are just a few.

fARTsy Friday: Danil Polevoy photography

Another Friday, another artist.  Here is a sampling from a photographer I have been interested in lately.  Danil Polevoy, born in Ukraine, and currently working out of Israel has been putting out some sweet photos lately.  Check out his website here, for samples of all his work.  Today I am focusing on the lighter side of his work, which consists of some clever photoshop skills on classic photographs.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Celiacs Do It Gluten Free!

The cycle is complete, and I am pleased to offer the first look at our first Gluten-Free beer!  Keeping with the style of the brew, and our scientifically determined name for Ashley's affliction, we present Witty Glutard.
A Belgian style Wit beer, the Glutard is now bottled and should be drinkable in a week or two.  We tried a bottle the other night, and the taste is actually pretty good (this coming from someone who thinks most Gluten-Free attempts sorely miss the boat).  While it is still flat, cloudy, and has a peculiar smell, we have high hopes for this clever little brew.
Needless to say, some of us are real excited about this one!  Cheers